Dear community,
Hoping you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. 
As we try to adjust to a new "normal" please know the BBPHA is adjusting as well. 
Our hope is that we will have a full summer season with activities, events and house tours at Meadow Croft. 
We have done some much needed improvements on the interior of Meadow Croft and are excited to show them off to our many friends and followers.
However, we must do our part now to stay healthy and safe. 
We know you are. We are too. 
We are all in this together!
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Summer Solstice Walking Tour

As of now:
The Summer Solstice Walking Tour will take place on June 20, 2020. It will begin at 6:30pm at the Blue Point Avenue dock and conclude at the Bayport Blue Point Library. For over a decade, local historian and friend Gene Horton has guided us on the evening stroll that marks the beginning of summer. Before we lost him last year, Gene expressed his wish for this tradition to continue. Please join Bayport Blue Point Heritage Association’s Frank Giebfried as we honor Gene with a Summer Solstice walking tour; “Blue Point Avenue: Yesterday and Today.” We’ll stroll up Blue Point Avenue, stopping by many beautiful homes and visiting sites like Avery’s Five Mile Look, Joe’s Step Inn, the Nelson Danes house, the Hallett House, and Bob Brown’s Food Market. Of course, we’ll also pay a visit to the John Danes house, Gene Horton’s home for many years. Please be sure to sign up on the BBP Library website!

An update will be included in the June newsletter!

Frank Geibfried shares some local history...

Frank Geibfried, a Director at Large for the Bayport Blue Point Heritage Association, says hello from home and shares some of his favorite bits of local history with us. Frank will also be our tour guide for our annual Summer Solstice Walking Tour scheduled for Saturday, June 20. Sign-up for the tour will (hopefully) begin in late May. Stay tuned!

Thanks to the BBP Library for this post.
Click here!

Hello! From Meadow Croft!

President of the Bayport Blue Point Heritage Association, Mary Bailey says hello...from Meadow Croft!! In this extra-special video, Mary gives us a virtual tour of the former summer estate of John Ellis Roosevelt and gives us a sneak peek of some improvements made to the estate over the winter.
To learn more about Meadow Croft or the Heritage Association, you can visit
Thanks to the BBP Library for this post. Click here for video!

Sunday Morning at the Beach...

A new feature in the monthly newsletter. These short articles were first printed in the monthly Bayport Blue Point Gazette. They were written by Gene Horton and reprinted with permission.

This old postcard view was mailed out of Blue Point on June 11, 1918. It shows a number of vintage automobiles parked along the shore and on the dock at the foot of Blue Point Avenue. Looking closely, at least one of the cars in the picture has its steering wheel on the "British" side.
Even now-a-days, Blue Point Avenue dock is a delightful place to enjoy your morning coffee, read the newspaper, and enjoy the bay and its breeze. Times and styles may change, but not the ebb and flow of daily life in beautiful Blue Point.
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Staying safe...

Even though we are apart at this time, the BBPHA board members are still meeting and planning to make sure when this pandemic is over we are able to pick up where we left off! We are looking forward to continuing our important work of preserving the history of the Bayport and Blue Point communities! Hope to see you soon!
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Membership now due!

It's that time of year! The BHA is now requesting your membership dues. If you would like to pay for this year, please mail payment to Bayport Blue Point Heritage Association PO Box 4 Bayport NY 11705. Please include your name, address and email on all correspondence. Make checks payable to Bayport Blue Point Heritage Association. You can also make payment directly from our webpage which can be found here . Any questions can be directed to Thank you to all of our generous members! New members welcome!

Membership Type
Annual $25.00
Senior $10.00
Corporate $100.00
Donation $___