Join us at our next general membership meeting
Bayport-Blue Point Library
on Sunday, October 14th at 2 o’clock.
The Life and Legend of John K. Hackett, Long Island's Pistol-Packing Judge.
Forgotten now but a hero and celebrity during the 1800's, John K. Hackett was many things: a kid from Queens, son of a famous Shakespearean actor, an avid hunter and fisherman, a Forty-Niner, a practical joker and the deadliest pistol shot of his day. One of the founders of the Southside Sportsmen’s Club, he had a deep love for Long Island’s natural landscape. He also had a reputation as an upright judge during the dark days of Boss Tweed’s Tammany Hall. This talk will take you through the colorful, violent and surprising story of his life and times, from the seedy New York underworld to the raucous life of the Long Island sportsman. We will also track Hackett’s rise and fall, and look at why he and his era have been forgotten by history.
Please help us welcome Chris Kretz for this fascinating presentation. Chris is a librarian and co-author of Oakdale by Arcadia Press. Along with Connie Currie, Chris hosts the entertaining and informative podcast The Long Island History Project.
From the podcast’s web site: The Long Island History Project is a bi-monthly podcast featuring interviews with researchers, authors, filmmakers, collectors and any person with a passion for the history of this riotous island. From tales of revolutionary spies to memories of one-legged stock car racers, we seek to bring you authentic voices with compelling stories to tell. We also aim to shine a light on those people and organizations working to preserve Long Island’s heritage.
Please check out the podcast at or download at Apple Podcasts.
Save the Dates
Due to the library’s closure for Veterans Day, next month’s general membership meeting will be held on Sunday, November 25. Our speaker will be Bob Doxsee, Jr., who will present The Doxsee Legacy: Growing Up in a Fishing and Clamming Family. Check out next month’s newsletter for more information.
Our meeting dates for 2019 are 2/10, 3/3, 4/14, and 5/15. All meetings will be held at the Bayport-Blue Point Library and begin at 2 pm. Hope to see you there!
Historical Scavenger Hunt
you may have heard, our annual House Tour was cancelled due to
unforeseen circumstances with securing historic homes. As disappointed
as everyone was, our Vice President Leanne Berg has come up with a
wonderful Autumnal Activity for our whole community to enjoy!
Introducing.....a Historical Scavenger Hunt!
Saturday October 27th, or a rain date of October 28th, the BBPHA will
host a Historical Scavenger Hunt through our hamlets. Registration will
begin at Meadow Croft at 12:00 and each participant or family will
receive an envelope with 9 clues to guide you to various historical
locations in Bayport and Blue Point. Once you have discovered the
location based on the clues, a volunteer will present you with a special
token to show that you have visited the site. The final location will
bring you back to Meadow Croft where participant prizes will be awarded.
Once back at Meadow Croft, there will be pumpkin decorating, raffle
baskets, apple cider, cookies for all to enjoy, and more!
Please note:
there will be a small fee of $5.00 to participate. This is NOT a timed
event so please drive carefully through our community. The day will end
at 3:00. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please
call Leanne Berg at 631-235-1702.
A day of learning and family fun!

Christmas at Meadow Croft
Save the dates!
Christmas at Meadow Croft will be December 1st & 2nd 2018 from 12:00-4:00. The theme this year will be The 12 Days of Christmas! Volunteers are always needed to help with this event. Please call Leanne Berg if you are interested, have something to be raffled off or have a display that fits our theme. Her number is 631-235-1702. There will be many raffles, baskets, gift cards and refreshments will be served. The decorations and ornaments that are donated will also be raffled off at end of 2nd day. Winner need not be present. There is something for everyone as St Nicholas will be on hand to take photos, piano music will be played on the Roosevelt piano and more!
637 Middle Road- This Old House
What a shame! Another old Bayport house will
probably succumb to the wrecking ball at some point in the near future
or fall down upon itself. The home at 637 Middle Road is owned by Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Sanford who have owned it since 1979. The home is on the
north side of Middle Road and has a 3 feet high picket fence in front.
The home has a storied past. The BBP Heritage Association archives revealed information on past owners and in 1979, the NYS Division of Historic Preservation conducted a building structure inventory on the residence. The inventory describes the building built before 1858 as a wood-frame house with interlocking joints and clapboard siding. Additionally, there is an old gable roof board and batten barn with a gable on the front and sawtooth decoration.
The house belonged to Mr. Edmond Weeks in 1858. The Weeks family is among Bayport's earliest. Silas Mapes owned the home after Edmund Weeks until 1883. In 1883, the home was purchased by Lieutenant Charles W. Hayes who had been renting the home in the summers for several years. Lt. Hayes named the home "Heart Ease." In 1888, Lt. Hayes sold the home to Wilson R. Smith who sold it to A. L Atherton of New York city in 1915. In the 1920's, the home was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Hoefler. The Hoefler's grandson, Mr. E. Bond lived there for a sometime in the thirties. Mr. Bond had written to the BBPHA in 1997 to share some memories and inquire as to the status of the house. The Hoefler's sold the home to Mr. Engerling in 1946 and the Sanford's (current owners) bought it in 1979.
The Town of Islip has intervened several times in an attempt to clean up the property. It is presumed that the Sanford's are current on the taxes and the home is not considered abandoned although it certainly looks that way. We hope this house can be saved by someone. It was a beautiful structure and one of Bayport's earliest.
The home has a storied past. The BBP Heritage Association archives revealed information on past owners and in 1979, the NYS Division of Historic Preservation conducted a building structure inventory on the residence. The inventory describes the building built before 1858 as a wood-frame house with interlocking joints and clapboard siding. Additionally, there is an old gable roof board and batten barn with a gable on the front and sawtooth decoration.
The house belonged to Mr. Edmond Weeks in 1858. The Weeks family is among Bayport's earliest. Silas Mapes owned the home after Edmund Weeks until 1883. In 1883, the home was purchased by Lieutenant Charles W. Hayes who had been renting the home in the summers for several years. Lt. Hayes named the home "Heart Ease." In 1888, Lt. Hayes sold the home to Wilson R. Smith who sold it to A. L Atherton of New York city in 1915. In the 1920's, the home was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Hoefler. The Hoefler's grandson, Mr. E. Bond lived there for a sometime in the thirties. Mr. Bond had written to the BBPHA in 1997 to share some memories and inquire as to the status of the house. The Hoefler's sold the home to Mr. Engerling in 1946 and the Sanford's (current owners) bought it in 1979.
The Town of Islip has intervened several times in an attempt to clean up the property. It is presumed that the Sanford's are current on the taxes and the home is not considered abandoned although it certainly looks that way. We hope this house can be saved by someone. It was a beautiful structure and one of Bayport's earliest.
~ reported by John Amato

Thank you!
A special Thank You to Ann Soper for all of her hard work
with our heirloom garden. Ann, a master gardener, worked tirelessly to
tend to the crops and then donated all of the produce to the Sayville
Food pantry on behalf of the BBPHA. It truly was a labor of love!Thank you Ann!
Reminder: House tours are still on
every Sat and Sun 2-4:00 through the month of October! Meadow Croft is
beautiful in the fall! Check it out!